Ný vefsíða um formennsku Katrínar Jakobsdóttur – Webpage on the Chairmanship of the Icelandic Prime Minister in the Council of Women World Leaders


Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland, became Chair of the Council of Women World Leaders in February 2020. A special webpage dedicated to her chairmanship in the council has been launched. The webpage also features a news section on Icelandic and International measures on promoting gender equality.

The Council of Women World leaders is an independent, self-governing network of 77 current and former women Prime Ministers and Presidents established in 1996. It is a a forum to share ideas and solutions that will build better societies and promote gender equality. It raises the visibility of current and former women heads of state and government and provides future generations with examples of women leaders. The Council of Women World Leaders Secretariat is hosted at the United Nations Foundation in Washington, D.C and is an affiliate of the UN Foundation.

As Chair of the Council of Women World Leaders the Prime Minister is committed to build a strong network within the Council and to foster a community where the members can help each other to navigate the fight for gender equality. Thus, the council will continue to tackle the challenges to end the gender gap and form strategies to end all forms of violence against women and girls, which is both the cause and the consequence of women’s inequalities.

Webpage on the chairmanship of Katrín Jakobsdóttir, Prime Minister of Iceland

More about the Council of Woman World Leaders at its website

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