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The Extraordinary Potentials of Algae (in English / á ensku)


Bjarkey Olsen Gunnarsdóttir matvælaráðherra ávarpaði ráðstefnugesti Arctic Algae þann 4. september í Reykjavík. Öll ráðstefnan fór fram á ensku, enda langstærstur hluti gesta ekki Íslendingar. Bjarkey ræddi um þá gífurlegu möguleika sem þörungar og þörungaframleiðsla felur í sér, en sömuleiðis þau skref sem nú þegar hafa verið tekin hér á landi.

Algae is a resource with extraordinary potential. It can provide food, improve nutrition, serve as a renewable energy source, and help combat climate change by reducing carbon emissions. It connects directly to several of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals, such as Zero Hunger, Good Health and Well-being, Climate Action, and Life Below Water. While Iceland has a rich history of wild algae harvesting, the cultivation of algae is still a new and developing field. The role of government here is crucial—we must establish regulations that support this growth responsibly, ensuring the benefits are shared fairly and the environmental impacts are minimized.

I know there are voices in the algae sector, especially those working with macroalgae, calling for more robust government support. I hear you. But I believe that, especially when the environment is at stake, we must take deliberate steps. We are committed to ensuring that regulation is not just about control, but about supporting innovation, protecting our natural resources, and ensuring that all stakeholders—businesses, local communities and future generations—benefit from this growth.

Today, I am pleased to announce that the Ministry is working on a comprehensive policy framework for algae cultivation, shellfish farming, and the sustainable use of macroalgae.

This policy will be presented to Alþingi as a proposal for a parliamentary resolution, aimed at establishing clear and supportive regulations for the algae industry. But this policy cannot be built by the government alone—it must be shaped by the expertise, experience, and aspirations of all stakeholders involved. That is why we are committed to working closely with all of you in this endeavor. By taking these steps, we are not just building an algae industry; we are reinforcing our commitment to a sustainable, just, and inclusive future.

We are laying the groundwork for an economy that respects both people and planet—a green economy that reflects the values of solidarity, fairness, and stewardship.

The future of algae cultivation and production in Iceland is full of promise. The knowledge, expertise, and passion in this room today show that we have what it takes to drive this industry forward. Meetings like this are crucial for sharing ideas, finding common ground, and building solutions together. Let us move forward with confidence and determination, knowing that the path we choose today will shape the sustainable future we wish to see. 

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