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Hallveigarstaðir, Túngötu 14

Saving lives by ending domestic violence – fyrirlestur Barry Goldstein

13. maí
kl. 12:00

Vinstri græn bjóða til opins fundar með Barry Goldstein, bandarísks lögfræðings sem hefur barist gegn heimilisofbeldi og ofbeldi gegn börnum í áraraðir. Barry mun halda fyrirlestur um hinar ýmsu birtingarmyndir og afleiðingar slíks ofbeldis og í lok fundar verður boðið upp á umræður. 

Fundurinn fer fram á Hallveigarstöðum, Túngötu 14, mánudaginn 13. maí kl. 12.00.

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Um Barry:
Barry Goldstein has worked in the domestic violence movement for 41 years. He is the author of 6 books about domestic violence, child abuse and child custody including The Quincy Solution: Stop Domestic Violence and Save $500 Billion. Barry served on the board of directors of My Sisters Place for 14 years including four years as chairperson. He is co-chair of the Child Custody Task Group for the National Organization for Men Against Sexism. Mr. Goldstein serves as consulting expert for the Center for Judicial Excellence. He is the author of the Safe Child Act which is a comprehensive proposal to make custody courts safe for children. He is a partner with Veronica York in Goldstein and York, DV Experts and their website is

Um fyrirlesturinn:
At the start of the domestic violence movement, society created reforms that made it easier for victims to obtain criminal prosecution, restraining orders, divorce, custody, financial and other support, shelter and other assistance that made it easier for women to leave their abusers. This saved many lives and made it easier for victims to escape. Male supremacists developed practices to manipulate custody courts in order to regain what they believe is their right to control their partners and punish them for leaving. The success of these tactics undermines the work to prevent domestic violence and ruins the lives of women and children. The ACE (adverse childhood experiences) Studies are medical research that found children exposed to domestic violence, child abuse and other ACEs will live shorter, less healthy and less successful lives. The result of tolerating DV and child abuse reduces life expectancy in Iceland and every country, costs Billions every year and prevents victims from reaching their potential. The failed practices in the custody courts permit this harm to continue. The Cancer Society and Heart Association recognize the research that our failure to prevent domestic violence and child abuse increases the prevalence of cancer and heart disease similar to the effects of smoking.

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